Our Mercedes-Benz R107 SL Health Check is a comprehensive look at your SL, covering more than 300 aspects of your car. We always recommend a Health Check as the starting point, whether the car has been with you for a long time or no time at all.
This week we can share a Health Check story:
A car arrived at SLSHOP for a Health Check with a view to going in our showroom for sale. This was a very late R107 SL, in a desirable colour, a car that looked fantastic from a distance…. The sort of car we love to host in the showroom, but it’s always important not to get too excited.
Some hours later when the Health Check was complete, we sat down with the customer to discuss the prognosis. Although the car looked fantastic, up close and underneath it was more than showing its age.
The estimate provided by our workshop outlined a set spend that would be required to bring the car a step closer to the SLSHOP grade; but also gave a careful note of caution that once we start digging beneath the surface, that initial quote might spiral – these are old cars, and they can be unpredictable.
When the mileage and provenance of the car were taken into account, the large rectification bill wasn’t what the customer had in mind. The net result? We shook hands (or rather bumped elbows) and the customer left us happy that the right decision had been made. He plans to enjoy the car as it is for a little while longer, whilst beginning a more staggered program of improvement.
As a business, we strive for the right result for the customer – a full restoration or the full ‘showroom prep’ isn’t always necessary.
In this particular case, the customer now has a much better idea of the true status of the car they own and a clear vision as to how to improve the car should they wish to market it again in the future.
This is exactly why every SLSHOP car goes through the same process. For us to stand behind our cars and offer an industry leading warranty, we have to know the car inside out.
Not every Mercedes-Benz SL is an SLSHOP car. It is our commitment to quality that keeps the momentum of cars and customers coming and going through our doors.
Is it time your SL came to us for a Health Check? Do you want to understand the exact condition of your car in more detail, to consider a long term plan of rectification and improvement, or to prepare it for sale?
Contact our team to discuss further.
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Our Mercedes-Benz R107 SL Health Check is a comprehensive look at your SL, covering more than 300 aspects of your car. We always recommend a Health Check as the starting point, whether the car has been with you for a long time or no time at all.
This week we can share a Health Check story:
A car arrived at SLSHOP for a Health Check with a view to going in our showroom for sale. This was a very late R107 SL, in a desirable colour, a car that looked fantastic from a distance…. The sort of car we love to host in the showroom, but it’s always important not to get too excited.
Some hours later when the Health Check was complete, we sat down with the customer to discuss the prognosis. Although the car looked fantastic, up close and underneath it was more than showing its age.
The estimate provided by our workshop outlined a set spend that would be required to bring the car a step closer to the SLSHOP grade; but also gave a careful note of caution that once we start digging beneath the surface, that initial quote might spiral – these are old cars, and they can be unpredictable.
When the mileage and provenance of the car were taken into account, the large rectification bill wasn’t what the customer had in mind. The net result? We shook hands (or rather bumped elbows) and the customer left us happy that the right decision had been made. He plans to enjoy the car as it is for a little while longer, whilst beginning a more staggered program of improvement.
As a business, we strive for the right result for the customer – a full restoration or the full ‘showroom prep’ isn’t always necessary.
In this particular case, the customer now has a much better idea of the true status of the car they own and a clear vision as to how to improve the car should they wish to market it again in the future.
This is exactly why every SLSHOP car goes through the same process. For us to stand behind our cars and offer an industry leading warranty, we have to know the car inside out.
Not every Mercedes-Benz SL is an SLSHOP car. It is our commitment to quality that keeps the momentum of cars and customers coming and going through our doors.
Is it time your SL came to us for a Health Check? Do you want to understand the exact condition of your car in more detail, to consider a long term plan of rectification and improvement, or to prepare it for sale?
Contact our team to discuss further.
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